Language - The Right Word
Brain Area Working

How To Play
Train your memory and enrich your vocabulary in this increasingly challenging game where you are asked to find which words correspond to the given definitions. This is not as simple as it sounds because even if the definition reminds you of a familiar word, you may not be able to recall the word. You may also find that some of the words are unfamiliar. You are given the option to choose a version with or without a clue.
Cognitive Function Exercised
This game trains your "memory for words," (also called "lexical memory"), your comprehension of written material, and your semantic skills. The lexical memory is located in the left tempo-parietal region and functions to help us remember the vocabulary of a language.
Benefits to Daily Life
This exercise is about the retrieval of words found in our vocabulary. Everyday we need to generate familiar words and recognize words to communicate with one another. Whether you are an attorney presenting your argument in court or a pre-school teacher defining new words to young children, expressing yourself fluently and accurately is an important ability we use every day.
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Go to this tab to check your achievements for this particular exercise and see how many goals you have left to accomplish.
You can benefit from our loyalty program as soon as you have chosen a program (Wellness or Performance), however, it is part of stage 3 of the HAPPYneuron method: Keeping your cognitive skills sharp with constant novelties and motivation.