Reasoning - Decipher
Brain Area Working

How To Play
You are asked to decipher some famous quotations where the letters have been replaced, either by other letters or by symbols. To make the exercise easier, it is a mono-alphabetical substitution in which each letter is always replaced by the same letter or symbol. Cracking these secret codes are perfect practice if you like mysteries or for the James Bond in you!
Cognitive Function Exercised
The primary brain area exercised is the pre-frontal and frontal cortex. The executive system is thought to be involved in processes such as planning, abstract thinking, cognitive flexibility, rule acquisition, initiating appropriate actions, inhibiting inappropriate ones, and selecting relevant sensory information. This deciphering exercise requires the collaboration of various cognitive skills: concentration, language (spelling, grammar rules, letter frequency), logic, and the capacity to make deductions from hypotheses.
Benefits to daily life
The dynamics of executive functioning influence our performance at school, on the job, our emotional responses, personal relationships, and social skills. However, executive functioning develops a little differently in each of us; each individual is uniquely stronger or more competent in some cognitive control areas and weaker in others.
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You can benefit from our loyalty program as soon as you have chosen a program (Wellness or Performance), however, it is part of stage 3 of the HAPPYneuron method: Keeping your cognitive skills sharp with constant novelties and motivation.