Reasoning - Money Time
Brain Area Working

How To Play
The aim of this exercise is to earn as much money as you can by drawing cards from four decks. You have to discover which deck enables you to earn the largest amounts. Be careful, the winning pile might surreptitiously change back and forth during the game! There is a strategy to this game and it's up to you to figure it out.
Cognitive Function Exercised
This game primarily trains logical reasoning, planning, organizing, strategizing and the ability to flexibly switch among problem-solving strategies. Further, this exercise entails logical analysis and making predictions based on pattern recognition. Last, it also requires the capacity to make choices based on incomplete information and the ability to speedily formulate sound decisions.
More specifically, the executive functions located in the pre-frontal cortex provide us with foresight in devising a multi-step strategy, the capacity for quickly switching to an appropriate mental mode and the ability to withstand distractions and internal urges.
Benefits to Daily Life
In everyday life, aspects of executive functioning include our ability to make plans (travel, wedding, or a surprise birthday party) and keep track of more than one thing at a time. It also involves the determination of the time it will take to complete a project or to change your mind and make mid-course corrections, all while thinking, reading and writing. As students in school, these skills allow us to finish our work on time, ask for help when needed, wait to speak until we're called on and seek more information.
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Go to this tab to check your achievements for this particular exercise and see how many goals you have left to accomplish.
You can benefit from our loyalty program as soon as you have chosen a program (Wellness or Performance), however, it is part of stage 3 of the HAPPYneuron method: Keeping your cognitive skills sharp with constant novelties and motivation.